Probably the world's most expensive ice cream that has a classy price tag of US$1,000 per serving, especially available at the Serendipity restaurant in New York. The premium ice cream sundae is beautifully garnished with a generous amount of 24-karat edible golden flakes. Yummy!
2. Pizza Royale 007

This is the world's most expensive pizza prepared by a Glasgow based restaurateur, Domenico Crolla. With a price tag of around £2,150, you'll be served with a prizza with premium toppings including edible golden flakes.
I didn't know that gold can be eaten... until today...
But with current world economic crisis, I wonder who is still willing to spend their money on those golden delights.
Probably only for those who has tons of cash dumped in every corner of his house.
first time see gold on dishes!!! amazing!!!
jing here
in future ask yue cun bring u to New York for the Grand Opulence Sundae. looks good. yummy!
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