Saturday, March 14, 2009

After 2 weeks of rest, the scheduled Saturday soccer training is back at usual place again. It was the usual training session, but this morning the sun was scorching hot. I had to give myself breaks after few minute of action.
Now I am becoming tanned, and sooner or later I'll be joining Steve's clan.

I hate crowds. Yes, I hate it so much that I had to squeeze through the crowds at the IT show. If not because of my sister who wanted to buy laptop, I will not even consider going to the IT show today. That's me!

Majority of the train commuters are lack of proper courtesy. If anyone of you were to take train at any station, you will probably still see situation whereby alighting passengers having difficulty alighting the train. Why?
Reason being majority of the boarding passengers squeeze their way through the cabin gates without allowing the alighting passengers to alight. Worst of all, even some of the working adults are doing the same at train stations. They should be matured enough to have that basic consideration. Shame on them!

These few days hasn't been sleeping well. I'm dead beat after training session. I want to get back my rest.

Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.

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