Monday, March 09, 2009

Macroeconomics test 1 result is out. 8 out of 15, marginal pass.

I am always keen on attending Monday’s accounting lecture, apart from the morning rain.
My accounting lecturer, Daniel Tan, will always infuse the class with enthusiasm in accounting. At times he will also crack jokes to lighten up the taxing environment.

By far he is the only lecturer who is willing to make that extra effort in making everyone understand the topics. He even came out with his own explanation in a table format.
Compared to econ lecturer, Daniel is way better than him in every aspect. Really appreciate what Daniel teaches, am so fortunate to have him as my accounting lecturer.

Macroeconomics test 2 is on Wednesday. Definitely must get better result than test 1.
Back to econ textbook and notes.

knowing how to start an ignition, doesnt mean you know how to drive - daniel tan

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